

A Drug Free Alternative for Enhanced Well-Being



The core of what we do is all about caring for people, supporting people and creating a safe space for people no matter what they are going through. We believe that we have a unique, powerful offering to support people to shift, change and transform. We offer, Neurofeedback, supported by Powerful Conversations and ground this all in Meditation. Whether you want to train your brain, the place that regulates how we feel, or you just want a safe space to discuss life, or  if you want to train your brain and discuss how you could shift your life further….we have a space for you…


Neurofeedback (Brain Training) is a non-invasive, drug-free treatment that works with the harmonics of the brain to create and stimulate the neural pathways that allow the brain to function more effectively. With so many advances in the combination of brain science and computer technology, the extensive benefits of Neurofeedback are available to us all. People who do Neurofeedback training can expect meaningful improvement in cognitive, emotional, behavioural and physiological functioning.













At The Brain Trainer, due to what we see in a Whole-Brain Assessment, we don’t use the term ADD any more than absolutely necessary, as we realise that the term is so broad as to be almost meaningless. Why would we expect that a child who can sit in a chair for hours during a class, staring out the window, without bothering anyone, would have the same brain activation patterns as someone who cannot stay in a chair for 2 minutes, is aware of everything around him and tends to be a sharp, fast multi-tasker? At The Brain Trainer we split ADD into two groups that are ends of a continuum:  Filtering and Processing. Because of the many disparities between these two ends of the spectrum, we focus on forgetting the diagnosis and prefer looking at the connections between the desired behavioural changes and the brain’s activation patterns.  Neurofeedback can be a highly effective way of getting the brain to regulate itself so that focus and concentration come with more ease. 













Anxiety is usually a person’s response to stress, which can come from psychological, physical, dietary, or environmental sources. Once a person’s brain gets locked into a pattern of anxiety, it can be difficult to break. Anxiety is considered severe when the worrying is not controllable, disproportionate, consistent, and most importantly, when it impacts one’s daily functioning negatively. Neurofeedback training is a natural, non-invasive and effective choice in reducing Anxiety. Neurofeedback is one of the quickest and most efficient ways to teach people how to help themselves. With Neurofeedback the brains own self-regulating ability is used to resolve brain-deregulation, resulting in less worries and fear, decreased muscle tension, less head – and/or stomach ache, and improved sleeping pattern and better concentration. Learning this life skill decreases the need for dependence upon medications, and improves quality of life by teaching the brain to make healthier patterns on a more consistent basis so anxiety responses are avoided and a calmer brain stays more in control. For anxiety sufferers, learning how to modulate or turn off chronic stress responses is life changing.













Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex condition with a complex diagnosis process involving a lot of interpretation. ASD often co-exists with other diagnoses. Children suffering ASD symptoms struggle to develop peer relationships, because they experience difficulties understanding and expressing non-verbal communication, such as facial expressions. Neurofeedback has shown to be very effective for ASD. With Neurofeedback the ASD symptoms are explained as a kind of brain deregulation in certain brain areas. Neurofeedback not only improves cortical function, it also teaches self-regulation. There are no side effects and offers sustainable results. Neurofeedback can change core deficits of ASD by enhancing physical and emotional calming and improving the ability to manage sensory input. Hyperactive brain behaviour can be reduced and sensory integration  and body awareness can be enhanced. Neurofeedback improves the quality of life for both people with ASD and their families.













Some people cannot break out of a depressed state over an extended period of time. In those cases, a person is considered to have clinical depression, a psychological diagnosis. In reality, there is much research demonstrating that depression is neurological, not psychological. Certain brain patterns are linked to depression. Neurofeedback training works on the root of the problem, altering the brain patterns affiliated with depression. Neurofeedback can help restore healthier brain patterns and eliminate depression by teaching the brain to get “unstuck” and better modulate itself. Neurofeedback training for depression is very promising because it can not only relieve the symptoms of depression but can also modify the biological predisposition for becoming depressed and help you regain control of your life without undesirable side effects.













Dyslexia is a specific reading disability due to a defect in the brain’s processing of graphic symbols. It is a learning disability that alters the way the brain processes written material. Dyslexia is considered a neurological and often genetic condition and is not linked to intelligence. With Neurofeedback there is a solution to help individuals with brain based disabilities like dyslexia making changes to their brain that have a lasting impact, no matter their age. Neurofeedback helps to re-train the brain and optimize the functioning of the entire brain by removing barriers and improving the connections and brainwave activity in a certain region of the brain or among different regions of the brain. Neurofeedback training has shown a high level of clinical success around the world, and is supported by a strong base of research in neuroscience.













Would you like your menopause to be a wonderful, easy time, a celebration of you moving into maturity and wisdom?  Do you find menopause and its associated symptoms ruling your life? For women who’ve experienced disruptions to sleep, focus, mood, energy and attention due to hormonal changes, other adjunct symptoms may arise as well. When these issues are handled with Neurofeedback, the benefit to the brain, and in essence the whole body system, is well worth considering. Medication and hormonal procedures are not always the answer. Neurofeedback supports women’s health in a controlled and easily measured approach. Training the brain helps it function better. More women are choosing Neurofeedback as a clear-sighted option to help balance their bodies through life transitions.













Sensory disorders can lead to a significant problem in brain regulation, particularly as it relates to comfortably “absorbing” information from the environment and being able to “filter out” that which is less important to the brain. As a result, children with sensory issues can have emotional overreactions to stress, problems with socialization, cognitive inflexibility and difficulties with attention. Neurofeedback can help your child self-regulate reactions and cope better in dealing with these daily experiences. Neurofeedback, aimed at reducing fast frequency in the sensory processing areas, can be helpful in improving sensory dysregulation. We find that by working to calm overactive areas of the brain while activating underactive areas of the brain we are usually able to improve the child’s ability to process and integrate sensory information.













Sleep is essential for so many things. It helps with concentration, judgement, good decision making, and many other executive functions that help us be effective throughout the day. Outside of poor functioning throughout the day, the side effects on the brain of little to no sleep are extensive. Neurofeedback is a powerful tool for helping people fall asleep and stay asleep. Neurofeedback has the ability to positively impact sleep because it works on the areas of the brain that allow and regulate sleep.  Training brainwaves using Neurofeedback to increase slow brainwave activity or to increase specific EEG activation patterns appears to help the brain normalize sleep. With Neurofeedback, most people can train their brain to allow sleep again by rewarding it for creating healthier patterns. Sleep can improve surprisingly quickly for clients.













‘Traumatic Brain Injury’ (TBI) refers to brain injury caused by external force. A variety of the symptoms caused by TBI can be improved through Neurofeedback training such as Memory, Mood swings, Speech, Headaches and more. Neurofeedback works because the brain regulates each of those issues. At The Brain Trainer, we measure brain function with a quantitative EEG brain map, so that we can see the areas of the brain that have been negatively impacted by the injury. Once we see the source of the problem, we target that area for change through Neurofeedback brain training. Neurofeedback cannot repair physical damage to the brain’s physical structure, but it can use neuroplasticity to exercise and develop new neural pathways and restore brain function. In the early stages after a traumatic brain injury, Neurofeedback can be helpful with the head pain that is often experienced, as well as with nausea, irritability, mental confusion, and sleep difficulties. Over the longer term, Neurofeedback can be helpful with energy level, vigilance, effort fatigue, cognitive dysfunction traceable to the injury, sensory hypersensitivity, and executive function. Eventually memory function should recover as well.













If you or a loved one is experiencing seizures or have an epilepsy diagnosis, Neurofeedback can be a permanent, drug-free solution to reduce the severity and onset of seizure disorders like epilepsy. Epilepsy was one of the very first therapeutic applications of Neurofeedback in 1972, when Dr. Barry Sterman eliminated seizures in a 23 year-old female epileptic, who then came off medication and was then able to get a driving licence. Seizure disorders like epilepsy respond well to Neurofeedback training. Drugs and often surgery are routinely used to treat seizures and epilepsy. However, for those looking for a natural, risk-free approach, Neurofeedback training can provide effective treatment for people with all types of seizure disorders – a drug-free and non-invasive solution. 













Are you looking to gain the competitive edge? Whether you are an athlete, an executive, a weekend warrior, a student, a performer… you know that peak performance is essential to your success. Neurofeedback provides high performers with the means to stimulate the brain’s neurology in the same way exercise builds muscles, helping you to achieve peak performance. Your brain has the ability to create new neural pathways as a result of neuroplasticity. Neurofeedback is a scientifically proven system that trains the brain and allows it to create new pathways and connections. With Neurofeedback brainwaves are optimized to improve communication and function throughout the brain and body, helping you to achieve peak performance and give you that competitive edge.

the brain trainer neurofeedback practice cape town southern suburbs deep south africa

info@thebraintrainer.co.za   |   084 281 3333
Unit C4A, Westlake Square, 1 Westlake Drive, Westlake, South Africa