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Neurofeedback for AUTISM
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex condition with a complex diagnosis process involving a lot of interpretation. ASD often co-exists with other diagnoses
Children suffering ASD symptoms struggle to develop peer relationships, because they experience difficulties understanding and expressing non-verbal communication, such as facial expressions. The main symptoms related to ASD are:
- deficits in social communication and interaction
- restricted, repetitive patterns of behaviour, interests or activities
- inability to perceive sights and sounds adequately,
- resistance to change in daily routines,
- poor motor skills,
- hyper-focus on one thing
- loud outbursts
The symptoms of ASD (autistic spectrum disorder) usually begin to emerge at an early age – at about two or three years. Studies indicate that individuals with ASD have excessive connectivity in some areas of the brain and deficient connectivity in others..
How does Neurofeedback help with Autism?
Neurofeedback (Brain Training) is a research proven way to help you improve brain function through intensive brain training exercises.
Although the technology is quite sophisticated, the Neurofeedback process is simple, painless, and non-invasive.
You learn to alter your brain activity the same way you learn every other skill – through feedback and practice – What is new, is that with Neurofeedback, you are guided by a form of feedback that was previously not available to you – instantaneous information about changes in your brain’s electrical activity.
Neurofeedback for autism spectrum disorders usually focuses on improving the processing of social and sensory information and on reducing activation of emotional networks.
Neurofeedback: A powerful tool in the treatment of Autism
Neurofeedback has shown to be very effective for ASD. With Neurofeedback the ASD symptoms are explained as a kind of brain deregulation in certain brain areas.
Neurofeedback not only improves cortical function, it also teaches self-regulation.
There are no side effects and offers sustainable results.
Neurofeedback can change core deficits of ASD by enhancing physical and emotional calming and improving the ability to manage sensory input.
Hyperactive brain behaviour can be reduced and sensory integration and body awareness can be enhanced.
Overall emotional expression can be improved.
Positive changes can be made in attention and obsessive compulsive symptoms.
By combining Neurofeedback with a comprehensive nutritional approach, people have a good chance of improving areas of dysfunction.
Neurofeedback improves the quality of life for both people with ASD and their families.
What improvements are possible with Neurofeedback for Autism?
- Initiation of touch and contact
- Reduced emotional outbursts
- Slower, clearer speech patterns
- Better responses to parental and teacher instructions
- Less ritualistic and more imaginative thought
- Increased tolerance to change
- Decreased hyperactivity & impulsivity
- Heightened levels of focus and attention
- Diminished anxiety
- Better social skills and enhanced relationships
- Increased stability and calmness
- Heightened awareness of feelings and emotions…